Meat Cleavers and Screensavers for the New Age

Despite being snowed out one week and changing the date, we had a great turnout and a great time at our evening of six minute performances called “Meat Cleavers and Screensavers for the New Age” at Kunsthalle Galapogos, presented by This Red Door on February 10th. The artists met during last summer’s LMCC residency on Governors Island and the six minute constraint is inspired by the six minute ferry ride from Manhattan to Governors Island.

Artists (in order of appearance): Karl Erickson, Elisabeth Smolarz, Rachel Stevens, Meredith Drum, Kimberly Ruth, Jamie Diamond, Jody Wood, Tamar Ettun and the Moving Company. I projected dueling quotes from two books with the same name: Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking by David Bayles and Ted Orland; and Art and Fear by Paul Virilio, while flipping over a cassette tape with an album by The Cure on either side when each quote began. See the standalone version here.



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