Environmental Storytelling and VR Symposium at Penn

I’m delighted to be speaking at the upcoming Environmental Storytelling and Virtual Reality tw0-day symposium in the Penn Program in Environmental Humanities on November 22nd. There should be some great conversations and I’m looking forward to learning more about what goes on in Environmental Humanities at Penn in general. I”ll be talking about Oyster City, the AR game/walking tour I made with Meredith Drum using original software developed by Phoenix Toews. Our project came out of our interest in getting people to interact with actual places and in knowledge and experience that is situated. We went for mixed reality using geolocation—in this case on Governors Island in NYC—rather than something virtual and fully immersive.

At least one VR experience I am looking forward to is Lost City of Mer, created by Liz Canner and team, a beautiful dive underwater which includes getting to build a colorful coral reef.



1 Comment

  1. Sayaka Yabuki

    Hi Rachel,

    I’m glad I found your website. I was a student of yours at Brown University and wanted to touch base. Unfortunately, it was a long time ago so the exact dates and name of class are too fuzzy to recall but it was when you were curator at Creative Time. I still remember the exciting NYC class trip to see our group project in an exhibit. Do you remember this? and if so, is there a recording of that project that you can share with me? I can’t find my copy of it and would like to add it to portfolio.

    Sayaka Yabuki

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